Welcome to Reception! (2024-25)
We hope you have all had a fantastic summer holiday and that you are looking forward to starting Reception! This year is going to be filled with lots of exciting new learning and fun!
Our topic this half-term is 'All About Me.' Throughout this topic we will be learning our new class routines and rules, as well as exploring our new classroom and outdoor environment. We will be learning all about ourselves, our bodies, senses and changes. We will also be having lots of discussions about our family and friends, and sharing our own hobbies and interests with others. We will be exploring the different things that make us unique and thinking about how we can appreciate others too.
We are looking forward to sharing our creative side through lots of different art and crafts activities, such as painting our own self-portraits. We will also be learning and singing some good morning songs, and other songs related to our topic.
In Literacy, we will be listening to and looking at a range of stories and texts based around our topic. We will be learning to recognise and write our own names, and even other children's or family members' names too. We will be learning to recognise initial sounds in words and will also begin to learn lots of new sounds in our Phonics lessons.
In Maths, we will be playing lots of counting games and exploring numbers up to 5 in detail. We will also be matching, sorting, grouping and comparing different objects and groups, as well as exploring and making our own patterns.
Mrs Grindey, Mrs Orr, and Miss Purslow
Key Information
PE day-Monday (Please send your child into school in their PE Kit for the day)
Book changing day-Wednesday
Books we will be reading this half-term...