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The Jigsaw Scheme

At Disley we use the Jigsaw scheme of work for the planning and delivery of PSHE. The programme of study is adapted to provide a relevant and age appropriate curriculum. Jigsaw is designed as a spiraling whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (puzzle piece) at the same time. There are six puzzles in Jigsaw that are designed to progress in sequence from September to July. Each puzzle has six pieces (lessons) which work towards an ‘end product’. Each piece has two 'Learning Intentions': one is based on specific PSHE learning and one is based on emotional literacy and social skills development to enhance children’s emotional and mental health. Every piece contributes to at least one of these aspects of children’s development. This is mapped on each piece and balanced across each year group.  Mindfulness is at the heart of the Jigsaw scheme and each session starts with a mindfulness activity to ensure children are ready for learning. Have a further look at the scheme by heading to their website for more information:

Each piece of the jigsaw (themes taught)


Puzzle name


Autumn 1:

Being Me in My World

Includes understanding my place in the class, school and global community as well as devising Learning Charters

Autumn 2:

Celebrating Difference

Includes anti-bullying (cyber and homophobic bullying included) and diversity work

Spring 1:

Dreams and Goals

Includes goal-setting, aspirations, working together to design and organise fund-raising events

Spring 2:

Healthy Me

Includes drugs and alcohol education, self-esteem and confidence as well as healthy lifestyle choices

Summer 1:


Includes understanding friendship, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills in Relationship Education

Summer 2:

Changing Me

Includes Relationships and Sex Education in the context of looking at the changes that adolescence brings 

If you have any queries or questions about what is taught, please speak to your child's teacher who will be happy to help. You can also email our PSHE Leads with any questions or queries using the email addresses below:

For a more detailed look at what will be taught within each year group click on the document below: 

Disley Primary School

Dane Bank Drive, Disley, Stockport SK12 2BD