Reception (2021-2022)
Hello and welcome to Reception!
We have 2 classes in Reception taught by Miss Barnes and Miss Proctor.
Welcome back everyone! We hope that you all had a wonderful half-term break, and a well-deserved rest. We are looking forward to our new half-term and our exciting new topic!
This half-term, our new topic will be ‘Going Green.’ Throughout this topic, we will be learning all about ways that we can take care of our planet. We will look at the 5 'R' words (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair and Refuse) and how we can demonstrate these in our everyday lives. We will also be looking at where our food comes from around the world, the oceans we have on our planet, and how we can make changes to protect the animals living here!
In Literacy, we will be reading a range of fiction and non-fiction texts based around our topic. We will continue to develop our writing skills by writing short sentences using our phonetic knowledge. We will also teach lots of new vocabulary this half-term, based on our topic, to help with our writing and communication skills. In Phonics, we will be recapping all of the sounds that we have learnt so far, and using these to read and spell longer words and sentences.
In Maths, we will be exploring and representing patterns within numbers to 10, including evens and odds, double facts and how quantities can be distributed equally. We will continue to practise our number bonds to 5/10 and we will also continue to learn how to write addition/subtraction number sentences using various different strategies and resources.
Some of the books we will be sharing this half-term are:
Useful information for parents to know....
Milk and fruit: Each afternoon the children receive a drink of milk. The government provide 1/3 of a pint free for each child each day until they are 5 years old. During the afternoon each day we also have a fruit or vegetable snack, this again is a government initiative where all children in the Reception and Infant classes have a healthy snack.
Homework- Reading is our key homework focus in Reception. Please read with your child on a regular basis and note in his/her reading record. As well as reading your child's school reading books with them also spend time with your child sharing favourite stories and books from home.
High Frequency Words- In addition to reading books we also send home different lists of words that appear most frequent in children's literature. Please help your child to learn to read these words. Some of them will be on a piece of coloured, laminated card and you can help your child to blend and sound out these words. Other High Frequency Words will be on bookmarks and we call these the 'Tricky' words; please help your child to learn these words from sight without sounding out the sounds. When the children know all of these words they are able to read much quicker and more fluently meaning they can gain a lot more pleasure from reading!
Challenges- In Reception we have many set challenges for the children to complete by choice. We have a writing/phonics challenge, fine motor challenge and maths challenge. Each of these are targeted to the child’s interests. Once a child completes a challenge they will put their name into the challenge pot (the more times they do it the more chance they have of winning) and the teachers will pick out a name randomly at the end of the week.
Phonics sound cards- Once your child starts to learn phonics they will begin to recognise sounds and work on reading words. Your child will learn up to 4 new sounds a week; for each of these sounds they will be provided with a new sound card to go onto their 'keyring.' These keyrings will be kept in their book bags for children to practise at home.
PE is on a Tuesday and Friday morning, please ensure your child arrives to school in a named PE kit on this day.
Please send your child into school everyday with a named water bottle.
Book bags need to be named and in school everyday containing your child's reading record and reading book.